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Tempest in a Teapot? Nope. Just Ants in a Teacup!

Thankfully I looked into the cream before adding it to my tea, as I first had to fish out about six very small sugar ants.  There were more of them running manically all over the tray, inside the upside down teacup, around the saucer.  I carefully washed them down the sink drain, being careful not to get any of the tap water inside the teacup for fear of what my stomach would do for revenge. (Too bad God didn’t think to use these little guys for one of the plagues in Exodus…they would have been quite effective, I think!)


I knew I shouldn’t be left alone here!  Low carb and no sugar in the land of rice and tea??


It is true, I haven’t bought a single loaf of bread and I only eat one slice of toast with my small omelet in the mornings, but how could I resist Loacker hazelnut sandwiches (cookies)?  Or the very foreign sounding, but delicious looking (and tasting) Kinder delice cacao (cake/cookie), and the BiFA Yeni Kakaolu Gofret (chocolate wafer cookies), and last, but not least, Bakers Original & Best Topper Custard Creams, delicious biscuits with custard flavoured cream (which are TRANS FAT FREE)!


Now, I must insert here, quite emphatically, that I did not add white sugar to my tea!  NO, not even the brown sugar (which is more like raw sugar) that is “favoured” here!  Indeed, I am…hold your applause… using Truvia!!  (A sugar substitute imported from home and certain to block all other sugar ingested at the same sitting…or so my inner voice told me!)


We had meetings all last week, excellent, lots done; today, a really great, but all day long meeting with Chris, PointHope Ghana’s National Director, a lovely and Godly man.   What  a busy time ahead and how fortunate are we to have Chris here to help steer the ship!


Still, after spending another few hours trying to get through a handful of emails and replying to just a few (the wireless internet connection is on, but very slow…they assure me hard line connections are faster…), thinking it is too bad Skype doesn’t function on the wireless connection and calling back half a dozen times when the phone line dropped my connection (the last call from an Unknown Number is still haunting me…a women’s voice, “Hello, Hello?” click, click…gone!  No call back.  Who was that masked caller?), I was looking forward to a “cuppa” of tea and a biscuit (or three)!


So, yes, I took the extra “protein” out of the evaporated mik, poured myself a cup of Chai vanilla tea (also imported from home), added the “cream” and sat back to enjoy it. 


Which I did, as soon as I spooned out the one ant that got away and into my tea!


I am so blessed to be working for God, not for man!  God has a much bigger plan and a much, much larger sense of humor!!

Reader Comments (1)

thanks for sharing and making me smile! I have skype now! I'll email you my handle

April 28, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterbarb

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