
Lorraine, Life Changes

Lorraine, a wonderfully warm sister-in-love, has been through the loss of her husband, her life partner, as well as changes in work duties and missions.  This shawl was meant to bring her warmth (literally, the office is a little chilly at times) and to remind her that she is greatly and dearly loved.



The Davis Daughter's - parent with cancer

Please be praying for this family.  God knows the details. The three scarves are for 3 young daughters who have touched my life, although I have not met them.  The beads on the fringe are from my sisters in Ghana who placed them on and prayed for the family, also.


Prayer Shawl Ministry goes to Africa

 Camp Budumburam, Accra, Ghana, West Africa

I took yarn and needles and taught approximately 20 women to knit...but I also told them about the Prayer Shawl Ministry and encouraged them to pray over whatever they created (whether it was sewn, knitted, beaded, kneaded...whatever!) that God would bless the recepient and also bless them as they created and used the talents and gifts God gives them.


Delilah, giver of her heart

 Delilah pours herself out into many projects and thousands of lives; sometimes when someone gives so much, she can become depleted herself.  Pray that God will fill her cup, renew her strength and heal her from a recently diagnosed condition.



Heesok, caregiver

 Heesok is a nurse who cares for Mary and others who receive cancer treatment.  She gives so much daily, pray that God will touch her life and give her strength.